Walbury Hill & Combe Gibbet

This ridge of high ground above Inkpen and Combe is always worth a visit at any time of year. Autumn migration is particularly good, with Wheatear, Whinchat and Redstart regularly recorded, and parties of hirundines passing low over the hill or feeding in large flocks over the fields below. Buzzards are resident, as are Red Kites and Ravens breeding in increasing numbers. Plenty of public tracks and footpaths can take you further (OS Landranger map 174 is ideal), and some of the land is permissive open access. Park either at the eastern side of Walbury Hill or the western carpark for the Gibbet. It can be popular with walkers and hang-gliders at weekends, and always be wary of thieves on the look-out for valuables in cars.
Resident species include Grey Partridge, Tawny and Little Owl, Yellowhammer, Raven, Red Kite and Buzzards. In summer look for Willow Tits above Combe church nearby as well as Spotted Flycatchers. In the winter Redwings and Fieldfares abound, with possible Crossbills and Hawfinches too. Spring passage includes yearly sightings of Ring Ouzel and in 2015, 53 was the highest number recorded at any one time. Passage birds include Wheatear, pipits, Whinchat and Redstart.
GR - SU371620